[PLUG-JOBS] Need a couple people to help man LinuxFund booth at OSCON on Wednesday and Thursday.

David Mandel dmandel at pdxLinux.org
Wed Jul 25 05:30:56 UTC 2007

This is very last minute, but
LinuxFund is looking for a couple people to help man their booth
at OSCON on Wednesday and Thursday.  Pay is $12/hr to
help LinuxFund take applications for their new LinuxFund VISA card.

If interested contact Scott Rainey by email at scott.rainey at thelinuxfund.org
tonight or by calling him at 503-380-8800 before midnight or by dropping by
the LinuxFund booth Wednesday morning.

  David Mandel
  Chief Activist
  Portland Linux/Unix Group
  560 SE Alexander
  Corvallis, Oregon 97333
  (541) 752-3769 land
  (541) 730-5285 cell

  David Mandel                        http://www.DavidMandel.com
  Portland Linux/Unix Group           http://www.pdxLinux.org
  LinuxFund                           http://www.LinuxFund.org

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