Jeff Russell jrussell at synergyseven.com
Tue Apr 15 23:51:16 UTC 2008

Software Engineer 


Design, document, implement and test application module to enable computer
vision and OCR. Interface with technical representatives of an off-the-shelf
OCR vendor to optimize our use of their SW. Evaluate available computer
vision algorithms for inclusion in the application.


Necessary Skills 

C++, OOD, STL. 

Knowledge of OCR and computer vision algorithms (e.g. rotation correction,
pattern recognition).

Code optimization (static/dynamic analysis, profiling, etc).

Additional Sk ills Desired (Nice to Have):


Linux (esp. Ubuntu / Debian)

Gnu tools


Jeff Russell

Synergy Seven 

4800 SW Meadows Road, Suite 300

Lake Oswego, OR 97035

Phone: 503.534.3731

Fax: 503.534.3559

jrussell at synergyseven.com



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