[PLUG-TALK] Re: [PLUG] False advertising?

Russell Senior seniorr at aracnet.com
Fri Dec 6 22:57:54 UTC 2002

>>>>> "Brent" == Brent Rieck <bsr at spek.org> writes:

Brent> [...]  The brush off I repeatedly got (as well as other
Brent> factors) has led me to believe that they don't actually care to
Brent> make public transportation anything other than a transportation
Brent> method of last resort for most people.

Have you seen the new GPS thing, the Transit Tracker?  It is seriously


Russell Senior         ``I've seen every kind of critter God ever made,
seniorr at aracnet.com      and I ain't never seen a meaner, lower, more
                         stinkin' yellow hypocrite than you!'' 
                                        -- Burl Ives as Rufus Hennessy

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