Craighead, Scot D craighead.scot at vectorscm.com
Mon May 13 16:47:11 UTC 2002

>Why limit yourself to the narrow confines of "business" and it's
>one-sided, destructive notions of success?
>Again, I say we should really start looking at alternatives to business
>for valid means of social interaction.

Why do you view business as evil?  Is a hammer evil?  It could be used to
save a life or to take one.  I could be used to make something that benefits
people, or make thing that hurts.  A business is something that is created
by investors to make money back for the investors.  That's all it is.  No
one says, "Let create a business so that there will be more jobs for
people".  A business is just a type of tool, no more and no less.

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