[PLUG-TALK] Re: Vulgarity

Wil Cooley wcooley at nakedape.cc
Fri May 31 19:26:00 UTC 2002

On Fri, 2002-05-31 at 11:30, Michael Rasmussen wrote:
> Wheeee!  I've been too busy to keep up with PLUG lately, but PLUG-TALK goes
> straight to my inbox.
> Having managed a list that had a language flame war (can you imagine someone
> objecting to cursing on a homebrewing email list because "there might be
> children reading"?) it seemed that a PLUG flame fest on the same topic (hey,
> there REALLY could be children reading this) would be of interest.
> Unfortunately no.
> Time to lubricate the delete key and, as Charlie advises, "Relax, Don't
> Worry, Have a Homebrew."   

Now that I've decided to stop wasting time on the PLUG list and I've
finally gotten another copy of Charlie's book (after having lost mine
and all my gear several years ago due to an unamicable friendship
dissolution), I'm planning to brew a batch in the next few months.  Can
you recommend a good homebrewing list?
W. Reilly Cooley                           wcooley at nakedape.cc
Naked Ape Consulting                        http://nakedape.cc
              * Linux and Network Consulting *
irc.linux.com                                     #orlug,#lnxs

It is now quite lawful for a Catholic woman to avoid pregnancy by a
resort to
mathematics, though she is still forbidden to resort to physics and
		-- H.L. Mencken
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