[PLUG-TALK] Re: [PLUG-TALK] Erotik ürün ve video cd ler

Russ Johnson russj at dimstar.net
Sun Nov 10 05:37:33 UTC 2002

* Jeme A Brelin <jeme at brelin.net> [2002-11-09 13:35]:
> Moreover, expressing distaste in a matter that is under your control to
> remedy without actually making effort to remedy the situation is simply
> whining.

Ah, but it's NOT under my control. It's under some admins control. I
don't have access to make the change myself, so the ONLY way it'll get
changed, is for me to voice my opinion, and the admin to take action. 

You can call it a complaint if you want. I call it stating an opinion. 

> Nobody said you didn't have the right to an opinion or to express
> it.  Your rights are not at issue.  I think you need to contemplate the
> difference between rights and responsibilities.  You have the RIGHT to
> whine all you like, but you have the resonsibility to take action and not
> just complain.

What action (besides stating my opinion) could I do? I did JUST that. I
stated my opinion. 

You seemed to take offense at the tone you perceive in the way I stated
my opinion. That
sounds like your problem, not mine. 

Russ Johnson
Stargate Online

Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence -- Murphy's Laws on Sex n°36

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