[PLUG-TALK] Chirac's shocker... Iraq.

alex alexlinux at qwest.net
Tue Dec 23 08:47:05 UTC 2003

Ok Russell,
	You caught me! Once again I didn't clarify properly and I must make the
correction that I have never asked for public assistance as in welfare,
food stamps, etc.
	I would be quite the miracle child if I had managed to grow up and
never had parents to provide for me but alas I am definitely not that
gifted. I was required to do chores on the farm and no, I did not earn
an allowance. I was in 4-H from age 9 and did work outside the farm as
soon as I was old enough(11 or 12) to earn my spending money.


On Tue, 2003-12-23 at 00:29, Russell Senior wrote:
> >>>>> "alex" == alex  <alexlinux at qwest.net> writes:
> alex> [...] I have always worked for what I have. I have pride in the
> alex> fact that I don't need to have a hand out and, that no matter
> alex> how bad it's been, I've never asked for one.
> Wow, that's pretty impressive.  You didn't have parents or guardians
> that fed, housed and clothed you for free.  You didn't avail yourself
> of the public school system.  You didn't use the myriad public
> services that society provides.  And all from birth!  Amazing.  My
> hat's off to you.

alex <alexlinux at qwest.net>

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