[PLUG-TALK] Chirac's shocker... Iraq.
alexlinux at qwest.net
Wed Dec 24 02:35:19 UTC 2003
On Tue, 2003-12-23 at 01:31, Russell Senior wrote:
> >>>>> "alex" == alex <alexlinux at qwest.net> writes:
> Russell Senior wrote:
> Seems to me that's a pretty arbitrary line to draw. If society wants
> its members to be productive and contribute back, investment is
> required. Unless you are ready for the Zyklon-B solution, you'd better
> take a more serious look at what helps and what doesn't.
What is arbitrary about being proud that I have never used welfare, food
stamps, etc? As far as investment, why should I invest in a drug using
woman or man that clearly doesn't want to change and is living on the
street or in a run down apartment sucking up yours and mine tax money?
Why should I invest in the welfare mother who keeps popping out those
babies so she can drain even more resources that someone who is trying
to improve their life could use? Or what about the dope peddler on the
corner that makes $120K a year but has no visible means of support and
buys his food with food stamps so his cash can be used to get more
drugs? And what about the couple that is dressed in clothes that I'll
never be able to afford, unless I win the lottery, driving a BMW and
paying for groceries with food stamps? Should I support all of those
people? Or should we put stipulations on how long you can stay in the
system and what you need to do to even stay on it for the maximum amount
of time? I'm sorry, but, you need to invest in yourself first before
anyone else does. That's what school is for and getting that first job
is for. Learn to have pride in yourself and respect yourself and keep
plugging away until you get to where you want to be.
(Wow, that went a bit long. Sorry.)
No, I do not sanction gassing of anyone but I firmly believe that you
should make your own way under your own steam. It is a matter of pride
to me that I can say that. I would rather work for a living doing
anything(or almost anything, no gassing people or killing them in any
way types of jobs please) before I would go on welfare or beg for money
on the street. Sorry, I have some pride and respect for myself.
alex <alexlinux at qwest.net>
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