[PLUG-TALK] Chirac's shocker... Iraq.
alexlinux at qwest.net
Thu Dec 25 08:49:18 UTC 2003
On Wed, 2003-12-24 at 22:46, Russell Senior wrote:
> >>>>> "alex" == alex <alexlinux at qwest.net> writes:
> alex> So you must advocate people procreating all over the place [...]
> Where did you get that?
The whole statement should be taken together. I guess it was more of a
rhetorical question than anything.
> alex> [...] and then the rest of us making sure that the children they
> alex> have are fed and clothed with a roof over their head?
> Yes, because the alternative is _worse_ and _more expensive_. Why be
> a moron and machine-gun your own foot?
I'm repeating myself here but give them the skills and knowledge to
raise themselves up.
> alex> Why place that kind of burden on responsible people who may be
> alex> making it on a shoe string budget?
> It's everyones burden.
It ends up not being everyones burden. Only those that pay taxes are
burdened. My idea of fun is not 50-60% of my wages going to the gov't.
> alex> Why not teach people to keep their pants on(or use other methods
> alex> if they just have to have sex)in the first place and then we'd
> alex> have a lot less problems
> That's just what we should do, but in schools and by providing
> reproductive health services, not by forcing them to starve.
I don't want anyone to starve! I want them to be prepared to take care
of themselves.
> The more society fails to produce winning people, the more society
> suffers. Unless you are ready with the tin of Zyklon-B (and until you
> are ready to get in line when the time comes), the best, least-cost
> strategy is to produce more winning people. That takes investment.
No gassing. See above.
> Furthermore, the world is headed towards _needing_ a lot fewer people,
> skilled and unskilled just through automation. Winning today might
> easily be surplus tomorrow. Unless we figure out how to spread the
> benefits around better than we do now, get ready for the Zyklon-B.
> Merry Christmas.
Again the gassing. New skills will be created and will need to be
filled. How many skills today can you think of that weren't even thought
of 100 years ago? Everything evolves.
alex <alexlinux at qwest.net>
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