[PLUG-TALK] Re: Misc.

AthlonRob AthlonRob at axpr.net
Tue Oct 5 02:01:31 UTC 2004

On Mon, 2004-10-04 at 18:51 -0700, Jeme A Brelin wrote:

> > Actions have consequences... 'tis a fact of life.
> And why shouldn't we do everything we can to mitigate those consequences
> and make behavior less dangerous?

If by that you mean "use protection" ... I agree.  To have unprotected
sex at a time in your life when you're not ready to raise a child is
just *stupid* and I think you should be forced to deal with the nine
months of consequences that can result from that.  After the nine months
are up, put the child up for adoption; there are a lot of good families
out there who want to adopt children.

Rob                                |  If not safe,
   Jabber: athlonrob at axpr.net   |    one can never be free.

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