[PLUG-TALK] DFW airport on google maps
Russell Senior
seniorr at aracnet.com
Thu Apr 13 20:51:01 UTC 2006
>>>>> "Keith" == Keith Lofstrom <keithl at kl-ic.com> writes:
>> I could be wrong, but I think the nicer hi-res photos on google are
>> aerial photos rather than satellite. Digital orthoquads or
>> something. That's why there isn't universal coverage at that
>> scale, but it's limited to urban areas of "enhanced interest".
Keith> According to the readme for Google local, they are all
Keith> satellite images, from EarthSat (www.earthsat.com) for the 15
Keith> meter stuff, and the Digital Globe Quickbird satellite for the
Keith> hi-res stuff. For more info, see:
Keith> http://www.digitalglobe.com/about/quickbird.html
Cool. Thanks for the correction!
Russell Senior ``I have nine fingers; you have ten.''
seniorr at aracnet.com
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