[PLUG-TALK] Expensive toner, cheap color printer

John Jason Jordan johnxj at comcast.net
Tue Mar 11 02:52:06 UTC 2008

On Mon, 10 Mar 2008 17:07:10 -0700
Keith Lofstrom <keithl at kl-ic.com> dijo:

> In a month or two, I will need new toner for my HP2605DTN color laser
> printer.  The official HP price for BW+3color toner is $324 ($75 plus
> 3 times $83), and Staples sells the set for $299.   The price at the
> local toner refill+chip shop is $235.
> Meanwhile, Staples is selling new 2605 printers, with full toner 
> cartridges, for $200.  Hm, buy the printer, strip off the crunchy
> outer part, remove the tasty toner cartridges inside?  I guess it
> is a cheap way to accumulate repair parts ...
> Keith
> PS - after I learned how to properly control the 2605, I am quite
> happy with it.  It draws a trickle of power.  It is duplexing,
> Postscript3, and ethernet.  If I slow down the print speed properly,
> I can print vinyl bumper stickers with it!  I just wish the supplies
> were cheaper.  I can put brandX toner in the old cartridges, and
> ignore the "toner out" warnings from the chip, but even the refill
> toner is expensive!

Go thou to eBay. 

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