[PLUG-TALK] Apology and "Tech Show" question

Mel Andres mel97215 at comcast.net
Tue May 6 19:36:31 UTC 2008

Keith Lofstrom wrote:
> Ooops.  I sent this to the main plug list, not to plug-talk where
> it (and my apology) belongs.  Sorry.
> ------
> Last night I briefly spotted the large words "Tech Show" on an ad
> on the rear of a rapidly departing TriMet bus.  It was dark and I
> did not see anything else.  A quick google revealed nothing besides
> the April 24-25 Tech Show at Benson High;  is there anything else
> going on in the near future that might explain that ad?
> Keith
Well, I saw this on a different list:

    Technologies from Federal Labs- Mtg. 5/8

        Mon May 5, 2008 3:51 pm (PDT)

On May 8 at 3 at the downtown Hilton, I will be giving a talk on how to
connect with the federal labs on collaborative R&D. You may not know, but
the feds spend $100 billion on R&D each year and the same labs have a
mission to work with private industry. This event will be at the Federal
Lab Consortium annual meeting, so it has the added benefit of allowing you
to meet the contract reps from the labs at the same time. You may arrive as
early as 1 to meet the lab reps as well as review many past projects and

There is no cost for this event and it has gotten wide marketing help from
AEA, OEF, PNDC, OECDD, Oregon Startups and others. It really is a unique
opportunity to leverage your engineering and see how an open innovation
model can boost your competitive advantage.

This is not a procurement conference, however the capabilities at the labs
are really spectacular. I am more than happy to answer any questions you
may have.

If you are thinking of attending, I do ask you let me know. The FLC would
like to have a general idea of how many folks will be attending.



David McFeeters-Krone
Intellectual Assets, Corp.
503 493-0477 (work)
503 381-7821 (cell)
"Develop an Unfair Strategic Advantage"

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