[PLUG-TALK] Where do electronics tinkerers buy stuff in Portland?

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky znmeb at cesmail.net
Thu May 15 13:36:04 UTC 2008

Keith Lofstrom wrote:
> Out here in the 'burbs we have Norvac.  Where in Portland can you
> find circuit-board quality electronics tools, like fine-tip soldering
> irons and 63/37 eutectic solder?  Radio Shack stuff is pretty clunky.
> Does Radar Electric still have professional electronic stuff, or it
> all building wiring stuff now?
> I will be helping one or more people learn how to solder at the Linux
> Clinic this weekend, and would like to have a place to send them for
> tools.
> Keith

Try the "dorkbot" mailing list ... they have group buys every week from 
somewhere, and the folks there should be able to give you some help. I think


will get you started.

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