[PLUG-TALK] Where do electronics tinkerers buy stuff in Portland?

Winterbeast winter.beast at verizon.net
Thu May 15 16:11:12 UTC 2008

Russell Senior wrote:

>>>>>>"Keith" == Keith Lofstrom <keithl at kl-ic.com> writes:
>Keith> Out here in the 'burbs we have Norvac.  Where in Portland can
>Keith> you find circuit-board quality electronics tools, like fine-tip
>Keith> soldering irons and 63/37 eutectic solder?  Radio Shack stuff
>Keith> is pretty clunky.  Does Radar Electric still have professional
>Keith> electronic stuff, or it all building wiring stuff now?
>Keith> I will be helping one or more people learn how to solder at the
>Keith> Linux Clinic this weekend, and would like to have a place to
>Keith> send them for tools.
>I think Radar is gone.  I've gone to URS Electronics on NE Couch,
>about 7th or so for various similar things.
    I have never been to this one, but I am told it's good.



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