[PLUG-TALK] Wikipedia and John Ball lecture

Jeme A Brelin jeme at brelin.net
Sun May 18 05:04:45 UTC 2008

On Sat, 17 May 2008, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:
> Jeme A Brelin wrote:
>> Hey, some folks came to me to ask about doing their slides in LaTeX and
>> I didn't have instant answers.  What do y'all use?
> LyX (http://www.lyx.org) and Beamer (http://latex-beamer.sourceforge.net/)

Yeah, it turns out LyX kind of bites for doing math, I'm sorry to say.

But the actual markup isn't much of an issue for these people.  It's that 
beamer class that they needed.  Of course, it came right out of a google 
search... but that's hardly worth going to someone else to learn.  I guess 
that was my point.


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