[PLUG-TALK] Fwd: Xerox Study

Mel Andres mel97215 at comcast.net
Mon Sep 29 23:54:47 UTC 2008

This came in my work email. I don't qualify, but maybe someone in the 
group will be interested.

Mel Andres

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Xerox Study
Date: 	Mon, 29 Sep 2008 13:24:04 -0400
From: 	Jim Gagola <jgagola at ccrgteleservices.com>
To: 	...

The XEROX Corporation would like to invite to participate in a usability 
study on Printers and copiers.  

The location of the study is at the Xerox testing lab at 26600 SW 
Parkway in Wilsonville, OR .  Xerox is seeking feedback for Xerox 
printers and copiers. During the session you will provide your opinions 
and feedback during an individual session. 

*_The session will last 90 minutes to 2 hours and you will recieve $125 
as a thank you for your time._* 

We are scheduling for :

Tuesday Sept 30: Between 9AM to 3pm.
Wednesday Oct 1: Between 9AM & 7PM
Thursday Oct 2: Between 7:30AM & 7PM
Friday Oct 3: Between 7AM & 5PM

 The evaluation will be informal, and no preparation on your part is 

*_If you or someone in your office is interested in participating, 
please e-mail Jim Gagola at jgagola at ccrgteleservices.com 
<mailto:jgagola at ccrgteleservices.com> _*

*_or_**_ call Rebecca or Jim at 716-833-9300_**_._*

In order to qualify you must be familiar with and use on a regular basis 
one of the following printers

?      *Xerox Phaser* series printer


?      *XEROX COMPETITIVE PRINTER that prints at least 30 pages per 
minute, is networked and has at least 2 paper trays.*

Thank you,

Jim Gagola

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