[PLUG-TALK] Flickering Power Strip Lights

Richard C. Steffens rsteff at comcast.net
Sun Aug 22 00:12:21 UTC 2010

Rich Shepard wrote:
>    Black electrical tape over the light should keep you from fretting about
> it. Light bulbs go bad, you know, even when they were well brought up.

I suppose it was all those nights when I didn't care how late they 
stayed out or what they were doing. I have only myself to blame.

Pete Lancashire wrote:
> if the indicator is a neon lamp your ok. it is a common phenomenon of
> the lamps life, specially
> cheap ones. if you shine a bright light at the indicator it my stop
> flickering, I'll leave the rest
> to the photon types as a test/challenge.

Well, these are rather old power strips.

Thanks, guys. I'll stop being concerned about them.


Dick Steffens

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