[PLUG-TALK] Finding PHP Expert

Aaron Burt aaron at bavariati.org
Thu Apr 7 18:19:31 UTC 2011

On Thu, Apr 07, 2011 at 08:54:57AM -0700, Rich Shepard wrote:
>    My travels to get CMS Made Simple working again with postgres-9.x keep
> running into dead ends. The CMSMS folks showed me it's not an issue with
> their application, and the postgres folks showed me it's not an issue with
> the back end. That brought me to the ADOdb layer which, according to its Web
> site, does not explicitly have support for 9.x. <snip>

1. There is a difference between "local" and network connections with
Postgres.  When you tested the connection with psql, did you specify the
exact same hostname (with -h) as your PHP code uses?  If you didn't, you
made a "local" connection.

2. Google tells me there's a protocol change for Postgres 9 regarding the
default encoding of bytearrays.  See:
If you can set the encoding to "escape" on the client or server, you might
be OK.

3. Can you use Postgres 8.4 instead?

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