[PLUG-TALK] travel to china experience?
Russell Senior
russell at personaltelco.net
Tue Dec 13 14:54:46 UTC 2011
>>>>> "David" == David Mandel <dmandel at davidmandel.com> writes:
David> Russell, (1) I haven't checked, but Guam is a LONG ways from
David> China - although much closer than Oregon is. There could also
David> be some Chinese friendly places like Singapore closer than
David> China, but they would probably be equally expensive in terms of
David> airfare. On the other hand, China would be my first choice. I
David> have always wanted to go to China. Never got closer than Hong
David> Kong.
Guam is due east of the Phillipines. My maps seem to imply that it's
substantially closer to China than to Singapore. Mr Google leads me
to believe that Guam to Shanghai is about 2k miles (via Seoul, about
2.5k). Singapore is about 3k. Still, as you say, much closer than
Oregon. Guam is 6.4k via Honolulu.
David> (2) My son just got back from a year in Bejing. He was
David> teaching english. I can put you in contact with him as he
David> would know the details. However, I think he hired a company to
David> do the walk through like Michael recommended.
The direct cost of a chinese visa for US citizens is apparently $140,
much higher than for citizens of other countries. The agent fees are
another $50 or so, plus the anxiety of mailing your passport to random
website operators.
Russell Senior, President
russell at personaltelco.net
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