[PLUG-TALK] [ptp-general] What can we do to get this guy in Portland?

Michael Rasmussen michael at jamhome.us
Thu Apr 12 03:27:55 UTC 2012

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 08:12:51PM -0700, Michael Rasmussen wrote:
> http://news.cnet.com/8301-31921_3-57412225-281/this-internet-provider-pledges-to-put-your-privacy-first-always
> Nicholas Merrill is planning to revolutionize online privacy with a concept as simple as it is ingenious: a
> telecommunications provider designed from its inception to shield its customers from surveillance.
> Merrill, 39, who previously ran a New York-based Internet provider, told CNET that he's raising funds to launch a
> national "non-profit telecommunications provider dedicated to privacy, using ubiquitous encryption" that will sell
> mobile phone service and, for as little as $20 a month, Internet connectivity.
> Merrill is in the unique position of being the first ISP exec to fight back against the Patriot Act's expanded police
> powers -- and win.
> And much more in the full article.

To answer my own question a bit:  http://www.indiegogo.com/calyx
Which has more information on the project. 

            Michael Rasmussen, Portland Oregon  
      Other Adventures: http://www.jamhome.us/ or http://westy.saunter.us/
Fortune Cookie Fortune du courrier:
   Tales from Cyclists:  
No traffic, spectacular views with the swirling mist and tailwind
(finally!) combining to make this an effortless ride.

Might have also been the 3 breakfasts that I had that morning.
    ~ Bert Lutz

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