[PLUG-TALK] MacOS & Android Malware

Russell Senior seniorr at aracnet.com
Thu Apr 19 18:31:56 UTC 2012

>>>>> "Bill" == Bill Ensley <bill at bearprinting.com> writes:

RJ> Believe what you will, but usually, when the government can do
RJ> something, it does, regardless of wether it should or not. The TSA
RJ> is astounding proof of that.

Bill> So you would found your beliefs on news articles and personal
Bill> interpretation rather than the words of an actual federal agent
Bill> who would love to get the truth out?

Bill, I would encourage you to listen to the panel discussion.  Nextel
apparently setup up a website that charged $30 per cell phone location
for law enforcement to use.  It requires no court order, only a vague
"related to something" un-reviewable administrative subpoena standard.
It was used hundreds of thousands of times per year, iirc.

Russell Senior         ``I have nine fingers; you have ten.''
seniorr at aracnet.com

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