[PLUG-TALK] Greenwood Space Travel Supply and other 826 stores

Aaron Burt aaron at bavariati.org
Sun Jan 15 20:37:00 UTC 2012

On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 10:15:36AM -0800, Keith Lofstrom wrote:
> www.greenwoodspacetravelsupply.com/

Also: http://www.monstersupplies.org/
(Might need to order a tin of The Collywobbles.)

The storefronts are also meant to get young writers in a creative mood. :)

> Portland must have one of these.  Perhaps we can
> commandeer the 24 Hour Church of Elvis.  

If one could get ahold of some folks willing to tutor young people (e.g.
PSU stoodnts doing their Capstone project) and scrape together the money
for a storefront, that would be most excellent.  Heck, one could even team
up with the Independent Publishing Resource Center.

What sort of shop would Portland have?  Supplies for roughnecks,
lumberjacks and whistlepunks?

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