[PLUG-TALK] local testing lab?

Bill Ensley bill at bearprinting.com
Thu May 3 20:28:01 UTC 2012

Perhaps a notice should be included with the phones:

Do not test power plug with tongue.

I did thought just check our IP phones and they do have a 48VDC input, 
quite a bit more than I would have expected.

-Bill Ensley

On 5/3/2012 1:12 PM, wes wrote:
> ohhhh how I wish I could do this on purpose sometimes :)
> it got real though, when the users started complaining of blurred 
> vision and concussion-like symptoms....
> of course the manufacturer of both the phone and the headset claimed 
> they never heard of any such thing happening before.
> -wes
> On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 12:38 PM, Bill Ensley <bill at bearprinting.com 
> <mailto:bill at bearprinting.com>> wrote:
>     Wow, looks like manufacturer finally put in what we in Tech
>     Support have all wanted for years, a "Zap User" function ; )
>     -Bill Ensley
>     www.bearprinting.com <http://www.bearprinting.com>
>     On 5/3/2012 12:32 PM, wes wrote:
>>     in my company, we ship a voip phone to each new employee for use
>>     in their job duties. over the course of the last 3 years or so, 2
>>     employees have reported receiving a severe shock from their
>>     phone. 1 I could write off as a fluke. 2 is a little too
>>     coincidental. I don't want to wait around and see what number 3
>>     will mean for us.
>>     so my question is, is there any place around town that can
>>     thoroughly inspect the phone and accessories and give me some
>>     idea of where the fault could have come from?
>>     of course, any theories or input from the general crowd is also
>>     welcome :)
>>     I'm more interested in possibly hiring a lab with a reputation
>>     for such things, so I can get documented results I can use in
>>     case things get Real Bad in the future.
>>     thanks all,
>>     -wes
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