[PLUG-TALK] Phone caller ID

Denis Heidtmann denis.heidtmann at gmail.com
Tue Feb 12 19:36:31 UTC 2013

I recently got a Tracfone cell phone.  When I call my landline (Comcast)
from the cell phone the Caller ID says "Dawn Larson".  When I call a
neighbor's landline (Century Link) the display says "Portland, OR"  When I
call a third person's landline (unknown provider) it says "Wireless caller".

I suspect that the two which do not display "Dawn Larson" are avoiding the
pain of frequent ID updating and are using some default ID.  I have
contacted Tracfone numerous times.  That I am posting this question here
should show that the contacts with Tracfone have been less than

How long does it typically take to get this done?  The phone was activated
5 days ago.  Is there anything which I might do to help the process along?
 (My searching leads me to believe that in this case Tracfone is using ATT.)


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