[PLUG-TALK] Frontier Flipping IP addresses

Zach Wendell telcoserf at gmail.com
Thu Apr 3 05:06:45 UTC 2014

Correct. Probably not the ISP being bad, but rather your line or their DSLAM is having an issue. Try rebooting the modem!--
Zach Wendell

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 9:49 PM, Russell Senior <russell at personaltelco.net>

>>>>>> "Rich" == Rich Shepard <rshepard at appl-ecosys.com> writes:
> Rich>    Starting about a week ago Frontier Communications is once
> Rich> again assigning a new IP address to me as frequently as each
> Rich> half-hour. At least, that's the frequency at which I check for
> Rich> the current IP address and modify the DNS servers if it's
> Rich> changed.
> Rich>    This is what they were doing when they first stopped
> Rich> supporting Aracnet's routers and we lost static IP addresses.
> Rich>    Is anyone else experiencing this?
> FWIW, that's the kind of thing that might happen if your DSL modem is
> losing its train and reconnecting periodically, as might happen if you
> have dicey signal strength in one direction or another.
> -- 
> Russell Senior, President
> russell at personaltelco.net
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