[PLUG-TALK] Fwd: [IP] Study: Reversal of cognitive decline: A novel therapeutic program

John Jason Jordan johnxj at comcast.net
Thu Oct 9 02:39:21 UTC 2014

On Wed, 08 Oct 2014 11:35:31 -0700
aaron at bavariati.org dijo:

>Verrry interesting.  The protocol is quite similar to the Dr. Wahls 
>protocol for MS that I've been trying out.
>* Low carb / low glycemic index
>* Avoid FODMAPs
>* Avoid inflammation / cortisol
>* Seek Omega-3s, esp. from animal sources
>* Seek Vitamin D
>* Eat lots of veggies
>* Exercise regularly

What are FODMAPs?

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