[PLUG-TALK] Fwd: [IP] Study: Reversal of cognitive decline: A novel therapeutic program
David Mandel
dmandel at davidmandel.com
Sun Oct 12 03:54:39 UTC 2014
Fasting in an interesting topic in and of itself. I don't see much in the
popular medical literature on the value or lack of value of fasting.
Indeed, this lack of discussion sort of leads one to conclude that modern
medicine doesn't put much value on fasting.
However, most religions have a lot of food rules and usually encourage some
sort of fasting from time to time, and have done this for thousands of
years. (See http://www.beliefnet.com/Faiths/2001/02/Fasting-Chart.aspx or
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fasting) This makes me wonder whether there
are hidden health and/or social benefits to fasting.
As a side note, I might mention that the Roman Catholic Church relaxed many
of it's fasting and abstinence rules during the Second Vatican Council in
the early 1960s, but prior to that one had to fast (in the Catholic sense
of the word) during much of Advent and Lent and one had to abstain from
meat every Friday all year long. I remember these rules as a child and
truthfully, I rather miss them. They forced a certain amount of creativity
into one's menu. (I might weigh a little less if I still followed these
rules as well.)
You can still see this creativity in Jewish and Muslim food.
On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 9:15 PM, Bill Barry <bill at billbarry.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 11:35 AM, <aaron at bavariati.org> wrote:
> > Verrry interesting. The protocol is quite similar to the Dr. Wahls
> > protocol for MS that I've been trying out.
> > Roughly:
> > * Low carb / low glycemic index
> I think it is interesting that the diet is not only Low carb, but
> involves periods of fasting during the day. It seems to be important
> to give your body time to digest things while there are no carbs
> /sugars present. The presence of sugar seems to inhibit other
> processes.
> > * Avoid FODMAPs
> > * Avoid inflammation / cortisol
> > * Seek Omega-3s, esp. from animal sources
> > * Seek Vitamin D
> > * Eat lots of veggies
> > * Exercise regularly
> >
> > Results: Of 10 subjects, 9 recovered completely, 1 was probably too far
> > gone already.
> >
> >
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