[PLUG-TALK] Web Site Date Recognition

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Sun Jan 4 18:48:35 UTC 2015

   Each year all of us are entitled to a free copy of our credit reports from
the three major bureaus. I have tried every day so far this year to get one
from www.annualcreditreport.com, but both of the two companies that will
provide one via a Web request (Experian and TransUnion) keep telling me that
I've already received one for the year but I can pay for another one if I
want. Since the two presented the same nonsense on January 1st (as well as
each day since then), it's obviously an inability to recognize that the
report they provided was in 2014, not this year.

   Should be a simple thing to compare two dates and determine if they are in
different years, but ... .

   I submitted a comment to that web site but suspect that I'll not see a
response. My plan is to try to get a report once each day and see how long
it takes the site to recognize that we are now in a new year.


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