[PLUG-TALK] Driving in Cities: How Ants Commute

Russell Johnson russ at dimstar.net
Mon Jan 19 20:42:13 UTC 2015

> On Jan 19, 2015, at 10:31, Larry Brigman <larry.brigman at gmail.com> wrote:
> Put those sensors and controls into the cars and remove the control from what we currently 
> call drivers.  That would put things into a much more orderly flow.

Isn’t that exactly what Google is doing with their self drive cars?

Of course, I still think the sensors in the road will be needed for some time. There are plenty of times when I’m driving through the mountains when my GPS is convinced that my truck is driving through a cliff…. 

I also don’t see this becoming ubiquitous in our lifetime. There are plenty of roads that will never be updated because they lack the traffic to make it viable to update. Then there are those of us that like to go off the beaten path. I go out in the woods to recharge and get out of the city. Communing with nature, even from the cab of a pickup, is a great stress reliever. 


Russell Johnson
russ at dimstar.net

> Rich
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