[PLUG-TALK] Brown recluse spider bites

John Jason Jordan johnxj at comcast.net
Wed Mar 11 23:15:57 UTC 2015

On Wed, 11 Mar 2015 15:20:40 -0700
Russell Senior <russell at personaltelco.net> dijo:

>I can tell you that an expert in Brown Recluse toxin has a lab here in
>Portland at Lewis & Clark College.  If you were bitten by one, she
>might be interested in where they live.
>Greta Binford.  She is awesome.
>How did you get it to bite you?

Beats me. I'm way to big for it to eat.

If I had the spider the diagnosis would be conclusive. I'm pretty sure
it happened while I was asleep in bed, but the welt first appeared
several days ago, and the sheets have been changed and laundered since.
I also put out the shirts and pants that I am going to wear the next
day at night so I can get dressed while sitting on the edge of the bed
in the morning. Maybe it was in the shirt (the bite is just to the right
of my navel). Or who knows.

Thanks for the lead on Greta Binford. Good to know there is an expert
within reach. 

Sadly these things can take many months to heal; symptoms a year later
are not unheard of. So if it goes away fairly quickly, then it probably
wasn't a brown recluse. At the moment we are in a wait and see mode.

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