[PLUG-TALK] Time to Celebrate!

Keith Lofstrom keithl at gate.kl-ic.com
Sun Mar 15 16:02:52 UTC 2015

On Sat, Mar 14, 2015 at 06:49:34AM -0700, Rich Shepard wrote:
>   Happy pi day to all!
>   Won't happen again in our lifetimes.

An artifact of a date numbering representation (there are many)
an arbitrary clock starting date (the "birth of christ" as chosen
by some earnest but inept clerics), fractionating the day with
sexigesimal clock notation, and a particular decimal truncation
for the year ... 2015 --> 15

In hexidecimal, pi starts out as:


So some smart cookie could map those digits, or perhaps the octal
digits, onto our clunky calendar, too.  There are myriads of arbitrary
ways to make many different dates on many different calendars into
"pi days", with the consequence that we will all eat too much pie
too often and get diabetes.  The result may be "Won't ANYTHING
happen again in our RADICALLY SHORTENED lifetimes."

So, how many of you have surplus home-made pies left over from
the Pi party you went to, where everyone else had the same idea?
I will bring leftovers to the clinic today.  White Sugar Coma
can interfere with problem solving ... :-/


Keith Lofstrom          keithl at keithl.com

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