[PLUG-TALK] Region 2 DVD

Russell Senior russell at personaltelco.net
Thu Oct 15 09:01:35 UTC 2015

>>>>> "John" == John Jason Jordan <johnxj at comcast.net> writes:

John> I wish to buy a movie on DVD that is only available in Europe
John> (region 2) and in PAL format.

John> I have a DVD player connected to a TV set that I never use. When I
John> bought the player I remember getting the code to make it play DVDs
John> from anywhere, although I have never used it with anything but
John> region 1 DVDs.

John> However, I don't really want to watch the movie there. I'd rather
John> watch it on my desktop computer (Xubuntu 12.04) which has a Bluray
John> play/record drive as well as a standard DVD drive.

John> I have no problem with ripping the movie to another format, if
John> that is what I need to do in order to view it. My only problem is
John> that I have no idea how to do what I need to do in order to watch
John> this movie.

I bought a movie on DVD from the Czech Republic, once upon a time,
"Sekal has to Die", and it played fine on my computer.  At least, I
don't remember having any trouble.

Russell Senior, President
russell at personaltelco.net

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