[PLUG-TALK] never thought he had a bomb

Michael Rasmussen michael at jamhome.us
Fri Sep 18 04:13:10 UTC 2015

>From varied sources now:

Great Post Sent to Me Today

I said: it's sad they thought that kid had a bomb. 
She said: they didn't think he had a bomb. 
I said: yes, they thought he made a bomb and even called the police. 
She said: They just wanted to humiliate a little Muslim boy. They didn't think he had a bomb. 
I said: Don't be a conspiracy theorist. They might be a little prejudiced, but I'm sure they thought he had a bomb. 
She said: OK. 
But they didn't evacuate the school, like you do when there's a bomb. 
They didn't call a bomb squad - like you do when there's a bomb. 
They didn't get as far away from him as possible, like you do when there's a bomb. 
Then they put him and the clock in an office: not like you do when there's a bomb 
Then they waited with him for the police to arrive, and then they put the clock in the same car as the police. 
Then they took pictures of it. 

I said: Damn.....They never thought he had a bomb. 

The Irving PD, & the School Admin will be rightfully sued.
They can now pay Ahmed's way to MIT.
"They never thought he had a bomb"

      Michael Rasmussen, Portland Oregon  
    Be Appropriate && Follow Your Curiosity
She is a stage actress. They change clothes like a NASCAR pit stop.
    ~ David Hobby (The Strobist)

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