[PLUG-TALK] not software ... rising Fred Meyer grocery prices?

John Jason Jordan johnxj at comcast.net
Thu Dec 8 03:50:41 UTC 2016

On Wed, 7 Dec 2016 18:40:44 -0800
Vedanta Teacher <orevedantateacher at gmail.com> dijo:

>What you are probably seeing is the devaluation of the currency.
>Printing Trillions of fiat currency out of nothing for QE 1,2,3,4
>etc. has consequences.....
>Voltaire said it succinctly: "Paper money always returns to its
>inherent value which is zero."

Voltaire's opinion was not exactly accurate. But Trump's planned tax
reductions will result in deficits. Funding these deficits will require
printing money. The mechanism will be federal notes and bills, but
ultimately the supply of money and credit will be increased. If the
supply of money and credit is increased above the increase in goods and
services produced there will be inflation. Therefore, I recommend for
the long term investing in things that 1) have an inherent value and 2)
that will increase in demand with changing demographics.

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