[PLUG-TALK] Recommended shop for that other OS

Dick Steffens dick at dicksteffens.com
Sun Dec 11 06:17:30 UTC 2016

For several years we dealt with Pacific Solutions. Sadly, they are no 
more. We are in need of a reliable shop to perform system administration 
work on my wife's Windows 7 machine. It recently refused to let her log 
in, complaining something about a bad user profile. The system had 
booted, and we could connect from her laptop and were able to copy her 
important files to said Win7 laptop and get her back in operation.

I Googled the error message and found several recommendations involving 
creating new users and copying files from the old user. It sort of 
worked, but not entirely. She uses Office 97, and we can't get a file 
association working so she can open .doc files directly. Mind you, Word 
97 can open .doc files just fine. But we're concerned there's something 
bad we're not finding. So at this point we'd like to find a shop with 
reliable techs who can figure out what needs to be done to fix her 
machine. I could always just reinstall the software, since I have an 
install disk, but then I'd have to install all her other software, as 
well. If I end up having to do it, that's probably the safest, but I'd 
like someone who works on that OS to have a go at getting her user back 
in operation first.

As I said at the beginning, we would have taken the box to Pacific 
Solutions where we bought the box several years ago, but they're no 
longer in business. Does ENU do service on things they didn't build? Any 
other recommendations?



Dick Steffens

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