[PLUG-TALK] Kraut cabbage

John Jason Jordan johnxj at gmx.com
Mon Apr 10 21:52:47 UTC 2017

On Mon, 10 Apr 2017 13:51:33 -0700 (PDT)
Rich Shepard <rshepard at appl-ecosys.com> dijo:

>> I am going to have a massive amount of kraut cabbage. Does anyone
>> need some?
>   I'll take a couple. I also need to learn how to store the fermented
>cabbage long term as I can eat only so much at a time.

If you just leave it in the container that you fermented it in it will
keep for months. In the days of sailing ships after they figured out
what caused scurvy but before the invention of refrigeration they would
bring along crocks of sauerkraut because it would keep without
refrigeration. Of course, if you refrigerate it I imagine it would keep
for a year. In my case, I just can it the same way I can tomatoes. 

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