[PLUG-TALK] Cyclists in Forest Park
Keith Lofstrom
keithl at kl-ic.com
Mon Dec 18 21:21:30 UTC 2017
Forwarding an email from a friend; Marcy is an author and
wildlife biologist. One of her books is about Forest Park.
Marcy's father, surgeon William Cottrell, saved my infant
sister's life, and many like her, decades ago. If his
daughter asks for something, I pay attention.
As both a cyclist and a hiker, the idea of bicycles on
narrow trails with blind turns is frightening - people
will die. I hike to enjoy nature, not dodge traffic.
I cycle to go places, exercise, and enjoy my surroundings,
not risk death. The legal consequences of fools on bikes
will divert funds from bike lanes and straight, smooth,
bike-only paths over the West Hills.
I understand why cyclists hope to avoid cars on the narrow
roads through Washington Park, but trees and cliffs and
hikers are worse hazards, in places far from ambulances.
I can even understand the thrill of doing something stupid
and fast on a bicycle (try bombing down US 26 from Mount
Hood into Warm Springs and passing car traffic). But
threatening hikers is vicious, not thrilling.
Let's be responsible adults about this. Let's make a
safe bicycle path for cyclists, particularly from the
area around the Zoo down to the city, just wide enough
for uphill/downhill bike lanes (or an ambulance) with
light-controlled crossings (or bridges!) over roads.
That won't be cheap, but it will be less expensive than
dead cyclists and hikers and the resulting lawsuits.
----- Forwarded message from Marcy Houle <mjhoulebiologist at gmail.com> -----
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2017 19:51:18 -0800
Subject: Forest Park's future at stake. City needs your comments by Dec. 31st.
*Forest Park is facing the greatest threat in its 70- year history.*
*It needs our help.*
*PLEASE COMMENT by Dec. 31st! *
* (see below for hyperlinks)*
*What is up**? *
The Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS), in agreement with Portland
Parks, will be submitting a proposal to the City Council this February,
2018, that will irrevocably change Forest Park’s current management.
If passed, the Forest Park we know and love will never be the same.
The new proposal will change the law, and bring in thousands of new users
throughout the park. *Single-path cycling on narrow pedestrian trails will
become an allowed use*. This type of recreation has been prohibited since
the creation of Forest Park, for the protection of the park’s fragile
resources – its watersheds, wildlife, highly erodible soils, and unique
interior forest habitat – and of its users, 90% of whom come on foot.
The result of this proposed action will be trifold:
1. Severe degradation to Forest Park’s world-class native wildlife and
habitat. The “Six-Point Wildlife Plan Studies” -- required by law to be
performed – have not been done. This means there will be no way to
document the loss of native birds and mammals.
2. Pedestrians, who are already at risk from cyclists riding illegally on
pedestrian-only trails with numerous blind corners, will face substantially
increased probability of being hit or injured by cyclists riding on
“shared” hiking trails.
3. Forest Park’s watersheds – known as the cleanest among all in the City
of Portland – will face despoliation.
*If you value Forest Park for its natural resources, serenity, and current
regulations for safe access, the time for you to raise your voice is*
BPS, in conjunction with the Off Road Cycling Advisory Committee, is again
asking for one final round of public comments. Even if you commented
before, they are asking for your comments again, and are rerunning the
survey. The comment period has been extended to Dec. 31.
*Here is the link to comment: *https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/73284
Also, weigh in on their newest interactive maps:
*Here are some points you can stress:*
*“I reject the new proposal by BPS. Forest Park is a treasure, and is
protected by the Forest Park Management Plan, Ordinance 168509. No new
trails of any sort should be added to Forest Park. The City has not
demonstrated it can maintain the existing trail system, enforce the
existing laws about trail use, and has not performed the wildlife and
habitat studies required by the Management Plan.” *
Additionally, many of you have written in, on our petition or directly to
the City Commissioners and Mayor, about being hit, run off the road,
verbally intimidated or have observed illegal cycling activity. Any
comments about user safety are also very important.
*Again, this is our last chance to comment. Forest Park, I believe, is
truly worth this effort. It is one of a kind. Once lost, we can’t get it
*Thank you so much!*
Warm regards,
Marcy Houle
Catherine Thompson
----- End forwarded message -----
Keith Lofstrom keithl at keithl.com
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