[PLUG-TALK] Web server-side script in python: help needed

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Sat May 13 15:21:31 UTC 2017

   If you know an experienced web developer who could help me with a python
server-side script please share this information with me. Here's the

   I've completely re-written my company web site with new content,
appearance, html5-structure, and css3-appearance. The site consists of 7
static pages and I added a form on the contact page allowing visitors to
fill in the blanks and send me an email message directly from the web site.
This is a very common web site feature but information on how to write a
non-PHP server side script is as rate as a blizzard in August here in the
Willamette Valley.

   A javaScript script gets the form widget contents and assigns them to
variables, then passes the variable to another script that validates them.
The form's action is the URL for the cgi-bin/ subdirectory on my site so the
data entered on the form should (not yet tested) be collected, validated,
and sent off to the server.

   The last step is a python script that takes the wsgi-incoming data,
re-formats it to be smtp-acceptable, then sends the message to me. This is
where I need help.

   I've spent several hours trying various search terms on the web and find
plenty of hits on sending form data from client to server then back to the
client (as is the pattern on dynamic web sites), but nothing on having the
server send the received data as an email message. Paul Mullen has been
really helpful but he also warned me about the paucity of information on
writing server side scripts.

   The mozilla developers network had nothing pertinent that I found, a mail
list allowed me to subscribe but had no traffic over a couple of days, and
threads on a couple of web development fora have not been answered. I'm sure
there's someone around here who could teach me what I need to get this last
part working but I don't know how to identify this expert. I hope to get
ideas from you computer professionals.

Thanks in advance,


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