[PLUG-TALK] Web server-side script in python: help needed

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Sat May 13 22:04:15 UTC 2017

On Sat, 13 May 2017, Tom wrote:

> CGI scrips are server side affair. What you refer to as JavaScript
> typically runs in the browser.


   Thanks for clarifying. My previous web sites had no forms so this is all
new to me.

> Here are few good references:

   I have the general Python books as I've been writing scientific and data
analysys tools with them for a number of years. Now I've made the break to
python3, but keep python2 on hand for those programs that require that

   There are a couple of web applications I'll be writing with django (one
for me, one for clients). Since my web site has static pages (other than my
adding new documents for download from the library page) and no database
back end the frameworks don't add any ease or value.



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