Keith Lofstrom keithl at kl-ic.com
Tue May 23 21:39:03 UTC 2017

After listening to one more "singulatarian" expostulating
the Singularity (the superexponential growth to infinity
Real Soon Now), I wrote the following:


... in the basement of the of the PSU engineering building.

The Singularity Has Been Cancelled.

On the way here, folks on the street corners were passing
out little bibles, because they believe /their/ "singularity"
is Coming Real Soon Now.

I read those bibles a few times over the past decades. 
What I got out of the christian bible was HELP THE POOR.
Not castigate the wicked, blame others, find more reasons
to hate.  Not yammer on street corners, or on blogs, or
in churches, or at political conventions, or at science
fiction conventions, or at Singularity University. 

Helping the poor won't bring about utopia, but Metcalf's
Law suggests that network effects will help those most
closely connected to the growing edges of the networks.
You are probably helping if you are moving forward, and
the people around you are catching up with you.

Goodness is the best greedy.  Gordon Gekko's causality
is precisely backward.


Keith Lofstrom          keithl at keithl.com

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