[PLUG-TALK] Way off topic - medicare, under 30's
Vedanta Teacher
orevedantateacher at gmail.com
Wed Sep 5 11:46:39 UTC 2018
Medicaid & "Medi-scare" like Social security were always designed to be a
'pay-as-you-go' system; there is no 'trust fund'. They were both instituted
by Johnson just after the assassination of Kennedy to buy votes & make
him self popular. Johnson when instituting Welfare , '64 again , when
founding the
"Great Society" acidly said: "If we get this passed we'll own those Ni..ers
for the
next 100 years!". Unfortunately he seems to have been correct.
I work in health care and I'll start my 11th year in November. It drives us
crazy dealing with OHP, medicare, medicade, etc. because the payouts
for care keep changing. A medication is allowed one time and denied the
next, etc. The major issue is that health care has become a political &
cultural football. The left is trying to gain control by forcing everyone
into a one size fits all solution. Many where I work were forced onto
that we couldn't afford and than kicked off to provide free abortions to
In some cases one person is denied a wheelchair after a broken Femur yet
another is given a free sex change operation; the whole system has gone
mad and I'm getting out.
Paul W.
On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 7:13 PM Keith Lofstrom <keithl at kl-ic.com> wrote:
> This list is aging. Most of us here are over 30, but I'm
> hoping for "under 30" thoughts, under 40 at a stretch.
> So young responses, please.
> Current projections show the medicare trust fund running
> out around 2050 or so. Somebody born after 1985 will pay
> FICA (or the single payer substitute) until they retire.
> BUT ... that money will be used up on old farts like me
> before 2050. Unless demographics change, or widely-shared
> productivity gains occur, those born after 1985 will get
> far less than they paid in.
> I turn 65 wednesday. I am expected to pay for Medicare
> Part B. I will, but I will try to ignore it and pay cash,
> when I can. Partly selfishness; I'll get what I want,
> not what some "one-size-fits-all" bureaucrat wants.
> Mostly because I believe that what I paid in was used up
> (and more) by my own parents. Since I won't be around to
> pay for young folk when they get old, it seems unfair to
> penalize you young folks, since you should be investing
> LOTS of money NOW for your own old age. Please do.
> Keith
> --
> Keith Lofstrom keithl at keithl.com
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