[PLUG-TALK] Gag-choke-Windoze-virus-check-barf

Tomas Kuchta tomas.kuchta.lists at gmail.com
Sat Mar 16 00:58:01 UTC 2019

It is Friday, so here is my offer:

I recently got a call from exactly the security experts you are looking
for. They knew all about my Windows security issues on my Linux computers,
they were so knowledgeable and really eager to help me solve all of them.
Sounds exactly like the help you might need.

Would you like me to give them your contact details the next time they call?

I cannot say when they will get back to me, but it should not take too
long. I had a lot of Windows security problems to work on.

What do you say?

On Fri, Mar 15, 2019, 3:58 PM Keith Lofstrom <keithl at kl-ic.com> wrote:

> After an /incredible/ amount of work, I got my wife's
> quickbook files off her probably-infected windoze7
> virtualbox instance ... and laid down the law, no more
> windoze, no more quickbooks, no more $$$$$ for crappy
> security and upgrade blackmail.
> I managed to copy the quickbooks data files onto a
> flashdrive, then copy the files off the flashdrive via
> Linux to a fresh flashdrive.  That took TENS OF HOURS,
> because of random crashes and unstoppable demands for
> updates by "Microsoft" and "Intuit".  Allegedly.
> I have no idea whether a quickbooks data file can carry
> a virus payload.  If there is a zero-day exploit, only
> computer criminals know for sure.  So, before we give
> the data to our accountant, I hope to find a windoze
> security expert who can carefully vet the data.  Extra
> bonus points if they can convert it to openoffice or
> excel spreadsheet format (without macros).
> Who is fast and good at this?  Local is better, but I
> can ssh the data to a windoze expert elsewhere.  How
> do I vet the "expert", given that so many computer
> "experts" are merely legends in their own minds,
> or worse, bad guys masquerading as good guys?
> Keith
> --
> Keith Lofstrom          keithl at keithl.com
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