[PLUG-TALK] Is this worth reporting?

Dick Steffens dick at dicksteffens.com
Mon Mar 18 23:18:01 UTC 2019

I got a somewhat humorous phishing attempt this afternoon. I've 
attempted to send some details to this list, but my Stablehost mailer 
daemon is bouncing it as containing unsafe content. So, I'm attempting 
something with less detail.

The TLD is .tk, which is a territory of New Zealand.

The hook is that this person from the CIA can remove my identifying info 
from some documents that are part of an international case related to 
stuff that might be part of the reason for the bounce.

Besides the message coming from .tk, another reason I know it's bogus is 

"I read the documentation and I know you are a wealthy person who may be 
concerned about reputation."

That's part of what makes it somewhat humorous.

The point of this post is to ask, is it worth reporting this to someone? 
If yes, whom? FTC? CIA? Someone else?


Dick Steffens

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