[PLUG-TALK] electronic air filters

Denis Heidtmann denis.heidtmann at gmail.com
Thu Sep 17 02:31:06 UTC 2020

My understanding is that information is accurate.  My question relates to
the relative air filtering capability of electronic compared to membrane

On Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 7:21 PM Rich Shepard <rshepard at appl-ecosys.com>

> On Wed, 16 Sep 2020, Denis Heidtmann wrote:
> > We have a Trane electronic air filter, installed with the furnace in
> 2004.
> > Anybody have information on their performance vis-a-vis MERV-rated
> > filters? Those vendors I spoke to have recommendations which correlate to
> > what they sell. (How come?)
> Denis,
> I'm not sure I really understand what you're asking, but when I decided to
> upgrade the MERV ratings of my furnace filters I called the company that
> sold and installed it and they told me the maximum MERV number that would
> work in that furnace is 11. So I bought a dozen 20x14x1 MERV 11 filters.
> When I looked into this issue I read some web sites that explained that
> furnace fan capacity and other factors set an upper limit to the MERV value
> that will work without shortening furnace life.
> HTH,
> Rich
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