[PLUG-TALK] Debian book ordered, printed and delivered to Guatemala in 12 days

Keith Lofstrom keithl at kl-ic.com
Thu Apr 15 21:43:26 UTC 2021

Working with a friend (and "long term remote" PLUG member)
in Guatemala, learning Debian together.  We are both
learning from the Debian System Administrator's Handbook.

I ordered a copy for him through Amazon.  The book is
print-on-demand from Lulu.   I could have ordered direct,
but Amazon understands customs and shipping better than
Lulu or I do.  Shipping and handling and customs doubled
the price (almost $100), but the dictionary-sized book
is easier to read than the online version, and has room
for margin notes.  

12 days from my April 3 evening order to "out for delivery"
in Guatemala City this evening.  That includes 3 days for
Lulu to print and bind the book.  

For comparison, some premade (and expensive) pajamas took
23 days to ship from Vermont to Beaverton using FedEx. 
Maybe our next pajama order will be from Guatemala.


Keith Lofstrom          keithl at keithl.com

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