[PLUG-TALK] It appears that I will live

John Jason Jordan johnxj at gmx.com
Fri Feb 26 21:38:38 UTC 2021

On Fri, 26 Feb 2021 12:40:55 -0800
Galen Seitz <galens at seitzassoc.com> dijo:

>What web site did you use to locate and make the appointment?  Just 
>curious as to how you acquired an appointment at Safeway.

I use a VPN, and at the time I was connecting through Malmö Sweden.
When I attempted to go to Safeway.com the web site popped up a message
that I was denied access, because as everyone in the USA knows, all
Swedes are terrorists.

I thought I would just call them, but it turns out that Safeway hides
all their phone numbers because, of course, it would be a tragedy if
they actually had to speak to a customer.

To get around the problem I got in the car and drove to the nearest
Safeway, only about three km from me. I walked up to the pharmacy and
made the appointment.

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