[PLUG-TALK] Information on .srt subtitle file format

wes plug at the-wes.com
Mon Aug 8 02:18:19 UTC 2022

if you don't figure out a good solution, send me the file and I will use
linux command line tool wizardry to do it in a few minutes.


On Sun, Aug 7, 2022 at 6:47 PM John Jason Jordan <johnxj at gmx.com> wrote:

> I've spent the last couple of hours trying to find out the structure of
> a subtitle .srt file and, most importantly tools for reassembling one.
> So far, no luck.
> My problem is that I have an .srt file which is perfect in every
> respect, except the subtitles do not appear when I play the movie.
> Looking at the file with any of my various subtitle editors reveals the
> problem: For each line the onset time and the end time are reversed,
> e.g., for line one the onset time is 0:00:30.280 and the end time is
> 0:00:02:969. When the player starts the subtitle at 2 seconds and ends
> it at 30 seconds nothing appears on the screen.
> The file contains about 1250 lines of subtitles. I could manually copy
> and rewrite the entries, but that would take a lot of time, not to
> mention errors. My thinking is that the data in this file has to be
> some kind of database where 'start' is one field and 'end' is another.
> Surely there is a way to rename the fields.
> Any suggestions?
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