[PLUG-TALK] Mobile phone issues

wes plug at the-wes.com
Fri Aug 19 01:19:47 UTC 2022

you can narrow it down by moving the sim card from the working phone to the
non-working phone.

you can also try the non-working sim card in the working phone, though that
will yield less information than the first test.


On Thu, Aug 18, 2022 at 5:28 PM Rich Shepard <rshepard at appl-ecosys.com>

> I'm working with my VMNO to get my new phone working, and have a question
> their support staff likely couldn't answer as well as some here could.
> I had to buy two new 5G phones and purchased Samsung Galaxy A71 5G. One has
> worked flawlessly since it was activated. The other stopped charging after
> a
> month and the vendor replaced it.
> The replacement would not make or receive voice calls. SMS worked, so did
> web access. But as soon as I entered a phone number the phone displayed
> 'call ended' and returned me to the keypad. No one calling that number was
> able to connect.
> My web searches for this annoyance found multiple people experiencing this
> same problem with many brands and models of phones and all network
> providers. Two reasons for this problem were prevalent: a misconfigured
> phone and a corrupted SIM card. Multiple, long phone sessions with my VMNO
> made sure my phone was properly configured and the network properly
> configured at both their and my end. That left the SIM card.
> Finally, yesterday, a new SIM card arrived. I called the VMNO and the
> support
> tech transfered the phone number to that ICCID. Took out the SIM card,
> waited 10 minutes, re-inserted it. The phone had lost all mobile network
> configuration; I assume that's kept on the SIM card so the new one wouldn't
> have it. Using the VMNO's configure-handset page I entered all relevant
> data
> and pressed 'save.' It wasn't saved. I've repeated this futile effort an
> additional three times.
> My question: if the mobile network settings aren't being saved on the new
> SIM card (they likely were on the old one) is the problem with the SIM card
> or the phone? I suspect the former, but know less about mobile phones and
> networks than I do about diesel engine injector pumps (very limited and
> superficial knowledge.)
> I need to get this phone working and will call them again tomorrow, but I'd
> like to be more certain why the mobile network details aren't saved when I
> call them.
> Regards,
> Rich
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