[PLUG-TALK] Strange behavior in revised web site

Tomas Kuchta tomas.kuchta.lists at gmail.com
Mon Aug 22 00:03:00 UTC 2022

Link to your broken web pages or git repo or some other place to see the
website code?

On Sun, Aug 21, 2022, 19:06 Rich Shepard <rshepard at appl-ecosys.com> wrote:

> I'm asking for either mail lists or web fora (perhaps stackexchange) where
> I
> can get help fixing a web site issue that popped up yesterday.
> BTW, I resolved the horizontal rule issue by adding an hr{} block to
> styles.css.
> My current web site has 7 static pages. As part of my revisions I removed 3
> of them, then realized I need one of the removed ones. So I restored that
> file from backup and it's the third page in the site's menu. The problem is
> that I can display that page from only two of the other four pages:
>         page 1 can open pages 2, 4, and 5;
>         page 2 can open pages 1, 4, and 5;
>         page 3 can open pages 1, 2, 4, and 5;
>         page 4 can open pages 1, 2, 3, and 5;
>         page 5 can open pages 1, 2, 3, and 4.
> In the menu on each page the other pages are specified as being in the same
> (current) directory using "./pagename.html".
> All five pages pass the W3C validation checks.
> It was not until I removed the three pages and added one back that this
> situation occurred.
> My web searches haven't found anything useful, perhaps I've not used an
> appropriate search phrase.
> Any and all suggestions are appreciated.
> Rich
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